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Scientist from Pakistan Studies Multiphase Flows Jointly with SUSU Colleagues

October 14th, 2020 South Ural State University

Thanks to Project 5-100, the SUSU university staff has multiplied its intellectual potential. More and more international scientists tend to participate in the university's research work. Since January 2020, Afrasyab Khan, international scientist, Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, Active Member of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (MIMechE) and Doctor of Sciences has been working at the Department of Hydraulics and Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Institute of Engineering and Technology.

We talked with the international scientist, who is also a new staff member of the university, about his choice of the path in science, joint research works with SUSU scientists, innovations in the field of hydraulics and hydraulic and pneumatic systems, revolutionary approaches to the study of such a seemingly familiar interaction of steam and water, as well as about the prospects for further work at the university, love for Russia, about Chelyabinsk and residents of Chelyabinsk, and many other things.

- Please, tell us about your path in science.

– My curiosity brought me into science. Since childhood, I wanted to understand how things that surround my function? I was eager to find out how the world works and to be able to predict the further development of things and events around me. All these things prompted me to become a scientist.

I started my career path in science by obtaining my Master's degree in Physics and, then, a Master's degree in Materials Science in Power Engineering. I graduated with a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering from the University of Malaysia (Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS)).

I worked at the University of Malaysia as a research fellow for two years. Here I was involved in a project, connected with the cracking of hydrocarbons with the use of cold plasma. After that, I worked for a year as a postdoctoral research fellow at the National University of Malaysia (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia-UKM). In addition, as a visiting international expert researcher, I collaborated with Ton Duc Thang University, Vietnam.

In addition to two scholarships for obtaining a Doctor's degree and working experience as a senior research fellow, I have over 13 years of experience in teaching. I teach Applied Mathematics, Physics, Experimental, and Computational Fluid Mechanics. My goal is always to put into practice a wider range of Physics and Mathematics in engineering. When teaching, I want to ensure that my students understand topics really deeply and profoundly, taking into account all the specific features of the subject. When conducting research work, I try to find solutions to the problems of hydraulic and pneumatic systems that interfere with machine performance.

- From which university did you come to work at our university?

– My previous place of work is the National University of Malaysia. Currently, I am working at South Ural State University as a senior research fellow (since January 2020)*. My project here is dedicated to studying the two-phase flow instabilities and their characteristics.

What research works of the Department of Hydraulics and Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems do you take part in? What is your role in each study? What projects are you involved in? 

Now, I am working on a theoretical study of multiphase flows under the leadership of Evgeny Spiridonov, Head of the SUSU Department of Hydraulics and Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems. Our department is conducting a whole range of studies on this topic, one of them is performed directly by me. Besides, I am working on a plan for developing a new modern Laboratory for Fluid Mechanics Research at the department. The laboratory will make it possible to conduct the most topical research in this field. We hope that the university will also help us with the creation of such a laboratory.

One of the key factors of the efficiency of international researchers is their publication activity. Do you have any scientific articles prepared with the staff of the department affiliated with SUSU?

Up to date, I have published 33 articles, 16 of which jointly with the staff of the department, and 1 book affiliated with SUSU. However, by the end of this year, the number of articles written jointly will increase significantly! Most of the articles are devoted to the study of two-phase flows and are published in the journals of the Q1, Q2, and Q3 levels. These include the International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Archives of Applied Mechanics, and King Saud Journal of Engineering Sciences.

- Could you tell us about the practical application of your scientific developments?

– Steam is one of the most important and most common working fluids in many branches of industry. My research works are focused on the study of the interaction of steam and water, which can be seen in technological processes in almost any branch of industry. Currently, the ongoing research can be used to develop a theory, calculation methods, and design of vapor-liquid (liquid-vapor) ejectors to replace the existing ones using empirical and semi-empirical methods. Moreover, my research is aimed at studying the fundamental aspects of multiphase flows.

- What do you especially like about SUSU?  Why would you recommend this university to your colleagues?

– At SUSU, most of all I like people. They are kind, sympathetic, and understanding, and at the same time real professionals in their field. I would definitely recommend SUSU to my colleagues to work, study, and conduct research works here. The university provides major opportunities for scientific research in my field. A team of professional scientists is always ready for discussion and critical analysis. This is what is needed to develop and grow in science.

- What do you like Russia for? Why did you choose Chelyabinsk as a place to live and conduct research?

– Russia is a very beautiful country, with a rich history and a promising future. People in Chelyabinsk are kind, sympathetic, and welcoming, the city itself is beautiful and more and more transforming right before our eyes. It's good to see that.

What are your future plans for working at SUSU? Would you like to continue your studies here?

– Actually, I miss my family a lot. But my plans for the near future include bringing my family here. Therefore, while the Department of Hydraulics and Hydraulic and Pneumatic Systems grants me the opportunity to conduct my research, I am optimistic about working here for many years to come.

*For the university to successfully develop, it is fundamentally important to invite international specialists who have the experience of working in research centers, universities, and laboratories around the world, and who can share their experience, scientific skills, and fresh ideas with our scientists.

The International Research Collaboration under the leadership of Tatiana Subbotina is inviting talented international scientists to SUSU with the framework of Project 5-100. The specialists of the International Research Collaboration help international scientists solve all administrative issues.

Provided by South Ural State University

Citation: Scientist from Pakistan Studies Multiphase Flows Jointly with SUSU Colleagues (2020, October 14) retrieved 20 July 2024 from
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